

The climax is, by definition, the game-ending event. These are listed below. In addition, at this juncture, team members are penalized for "sharing their victory" and physical control of the planet in the Orion System where the Orion Senate resides is rewarded. Note that all players are eligible to score Climax Points, not just the one(s) that bring the game-ended event to pass.

Sole Survivor

These points are awarded according to the schedule below. Obviously, if this is the climax ending, columns 2 through 5 are superfluous and, if it's not, then column 1 is. Columns 2 through 5 are awarded regardless of which other Victory Conditions are set to "on."

Number of Existing Civilizations at Game's End

    Map Size 1 2 3 4 5
Tiny 500 125 40 0 0    
Small 750 190 60 25 0    
Medium 1100 275 90 35 0    
Large 1650 415 140 55 20    
Huge 2500 625 210 80 30    
My, God! 3750 940 315 120 45    

For example: Sole Survivor is not the climax (i.e., the game-ending). The board size is Large and there are only 4 civilizations remaining on the map, so each of those 4 civilizations would score 55 Climax Points.

Lone Superpower

These points are awarded according to the schedule below when one civilization has 2/3 of the sum of all PowerGraph points for all existing civilizations and accepted the gig.

Map Size Points Awarded the Lone Superpower
Tiny 325
Small 500
Medium 750
Large 1100
Huge 1650
My, God! 2500

Continuing with our above example, the game ends by declaration of a Lone Superpower. On a Large map that garners the winner 1100 Climax points. Since there are 4 civilizations remaining on the map each would score 55 Climax Points (including the Lone Superpower, raising its total to 1155).

Major Powers: These points are awarded according to the schedule below when the Climax is not either Sole Survivor or Lone Superpower (if it has been selected as a Victory Condition this game) for the "Major Powers" at the end of the game. The column headings are factions based on a civilization having more than that amount of the sum of all PowerGraph points for all existing civilizations (but not enough to make the next category up).

Size of Existing "Major Powers" at Game's End

Map Size 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5
Tiny 150 60 0 0
Small 200 80 0 0
Medium 300 120 50 0
Large 500 200 65 0
Huge 800 320 95 40
My, God! 1200 580 155 55

Senate President

These points are awarded according to the schedule below when one civilization has received 2/3 (rounded up) of all the votes cast for Senate President and accepted the gig.

Map Size Points Awarded the Senate President's Civilization
Tiny 325
Small 500
Medium 750
Large 1100
Huge 1650
My, God! 2500

Senate Power Brokers: These points are awarded according to the schedule below when the Climax is not Elected Senate President (and it has been selected as a Victory Condition this game) as the "Senate Power Brokers" at the end of the game. The column headings are factions based on a civilization having at more than that amount of the sum of all Senate President Votes for the last Senate Presidential Election held for all existing civilizations (but not enough to make the next category up).

Voting Size of Existing "Senate Power Brokers" at Game's End

Map Size 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5
Tiny 150 60 0 0
Small 200 80 0 0
Medium 300 120 50 0
Large 500 200 65 0
Huge 800 320 95 40
My, God! 1200 580 155 55

Legitimate Heir

These points are awarded according to the schedule below when one civilization has managed to line up 2/3 (rounded up) of all the Heir Support Points currently in the game and accepted the gig.

Designer's Note: "Heir Support Points" are sparse. Each existing non-Harvester / nomadic entering civilization receives 1. Each Full Orion Senate Member receives 1. The civilization that is highest on the PowerGraph (if there is only one) receives 1. The civilization that controls Orion receives 2. Specials might also provide the occasional Heir Support Point to a civilization while it exists. The giving and taking of support to an Heir is a big deal politically.

Map Size Points Awarded the Civilization with the Legitimate Heir
Tiny 325
Small 500
Medium 750
Large 1100
Huge 1650
My, God! 2500

Aura of Legitimacy: These points are awarded according to the schedule below when the Climax is not Legitimate Heir (and it has been selected as a Victory Condition this game) as those with an "Aura of Legitimacy" at the end of the game. The column headings are factions based on a civilization having at more than that amount of the sum of all Heir Support Points for all existing civilizations (but not enough to make the next category up).

Aura of Legitimacy Strength at Game's End

Map Size 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5
Tiny 200 80 0 0
Small 300 120 50 0
Medium 500 200 65 0
Large 800 320 95 40
Huge 1200 580 155 55
My, God! 1700 900 245 85

Antaran Mystery: These points are awarded according to the schedule below when one civilization has acquired the 5th X and accepted the gig.

Map Size Points Awarded the civilization who solves the Antaran Mystery
Tiny 500
Small 750
Medium 1100
Large 1650
Huge 2500
My, God! 3750

Antaran Legacy: These points are awarded according to the schedule below when Antaran Mystery has been selected as a Victory Condition this game. The columns indicate the number of Antaran Mystery "Xs" discovered by that civilization.

Number of Antaran Mystery Xs Discovered at Game's End

Map Size 1X 2Xs 3Xs 4Xs
Tiny 50 100 150 200
Small 65 135 200 270
Medium 90 180 275 365
Large 115 230 345 460
Huge 150 300 450 600
My, God! 185 375 560 750

Control Orion: The civilization that controls the planet in the Orion System where the Orion Senate is located is awarded points according to the following schedule:

Map Size Points Awarded the civilization that owns the Orion Senate planet
Tiny 200
Small 400
Medium 600
Large 800
Huge 1000
My, God! 1200


A civilization's PowerGraph score...

= (4 * Population Points of the Imperial Seat's Race not in Unrest, Revolt, or Militarily Occupied)

+ (2 * Population Points of the Imperial Seat's Species not in Unrest, Revolt, or Militarily Occupied)

+ (1 * All Population Points not of the Imperial Seat's Species or Race not in Unrest, Revolt, or Militarily Occupied)

+ (Sum of all Field research levels in the Schools of Physical Sciences, Energy, and Mathematics & Computers)

+ (Imperial Treasury / 100) Yes, you can run this into a negative number with a deficit!

+ Military Units (see schedule below)

PowerGraph Military for Each Units' Values

Unit Type Own Unity's Faction's Full Ally's Def. Ally's
Ship Hull Size 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
Infantry 1.0 0 0 0 0
Space Marine 1.1 0 0 0 0
Mobile Inf. 1.5 0 0 0 0
Armor 2.0 0 0 0 0
Battleoid 3.5 0 0 0 0
Support 0.2 0 0 0 0
Planet Shield 4.0 0 0 0 0
Planet Base 1.0 0 0 0 0



Concept art, screen shots, game graphics, information and other assets are provided courtesy of the games' respective developers. No company has reviewed or approved any content on this site except where noted.

The Orion Sector is graciously hosted by l3o.com.