In this Data Dump, we examine the mysteries of how the Victory Points might work in Master of Orion III. We say "might," of course, because everything is subject to playtesting and balancing. But this will give you an idea about the approach we'll be taking. Remember, all the numbers presented herein are relative and not necessarily final.

We have divided the Victory Points Data Dump up into several pages:

Ways of Determining Victory (Campaign Game)

  1. Legend
  2. History
  3. Perception
  4. Climax


Ways of Determining Victory (Campaign Game)

There are two types of "winners" in Master of Orion III. The most important one is who will dominate the Orion Sector. That is determined by who was the first to complete a Climax (Victory Condition) element of the game. The second winner is the one who played best overall and that can be evaluated based on the score earned according to the following Victory Point formula.

A civilization's final score is a combination of ingredients. It is made up of 15% Legend, 15% History, 17% Perception, 20% Reality, and 33% Climax times that civilization's Race Pick Multiplier times the game's Difficulty Level.


Legend Points are earned during the course of play for achieving feats of renown. They are the glorious things and honors bestowed upon that civilization that it "will always be remembered for;" those accomplishments that are always made mention of in the history books.

Legend Points are awarded as follows:

300 Defeating the Guardian of Orion: awarded to the civilization whose Admiral commanded
200 Extinguishing another Civilization (400 if the Harvesters are either the extinguishing or extinguished race): awarded to the civilization whose Officer commanded when the killing blow was delivered
50 Wiping out the last Space Crystal in an infestation (per Space Crystal)
40 Wiping out the last Mineral Collector in an infestation (per Mineral Collector)
35 Wiping out the last Amoeba in an infestation (per Amoeba)
45 Wiping out the last Energy Thread in an infestation (per Energy Thread)
75 Wiping out the last Dark Matter Bat in an infestation (per infestation)
90 Wiping out the last Solar Bundle in an infestation (per infestation)
2 Per Hull Size of all the ships in a New Orion Fleet that civilization had defeated (awarded to the civilization whose Admiral commanded) awarded only once based on the "greatest victory" that civilization ever achieved against the New Orions in battle
3 Per Hull Size of all the ships in an Antaran Fleet that civilization had defeated (awarded to the civilization whose Admiral commanded) awarded only once based on the "greatest victory" that civilization ever achieved against the Antarans in battle
+50% Senate "Awards" (increases by 50% the points awarded the Legendary Achievements listed below)
? Completing Quest Events (varies by Event)
Var. Late Start Handicap (= average Legend Points of all Civilizations when new civilization entered play)



History is the measure of advancement (or decline!) that civilization has made on the PowerGraph since that civilization entered play. A civilization's History Points is the sum of:

Current PowerGraph Value / 10
+ Average PowerGraph Value of all civilizations in play at the time of this civilization's inception /8
[i.e., a late-entering civilization's "handicap" points]

and rounded up to the next whole number.



Concept art, screen shots, game graphics, information and other assets are provided courtesy of the games' respective developers. No company has reviewed or approved any content on this site except where noted.

The Orion Sector is graciously hosted by l3o.com.