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We begin by computing each individual Research DEAs’ "efficiency." This is amount of test tubes it creates per unit of "capacity," which one can think of as the size of the facilities for that DEA. Here is the ‘big picture’ research formula: Total Research DEA output = Determining a Research DEA’s Efficiency The Efficiency of a DEA is a measure of how much a worker can produce and is computed thus: Research Efficiency = Efficiency Modifiers represent circumstantial modifiers affecting Research Efficiency, each of which is multiplied into the formula as show below: Efficiency Modifiers = The above summarizes how to determine a Research DEA’s Efficiency, what follows are the specifics: The Base Research Efficiency for a Research DEA is ten (10). To this value is added the additional interface efficiency from each building within that Research DEA. The amount that each of these buildings adds is listed below: +3 Regional Research Network Certain planetary structures also enhance the test tube output of each Research DEA on that planet. The amount that each of these buildings adds is listed below: +3 Planetary Research Network Certain technological achievements also enhance the test tube output of each Research DEA throughout that civilization. The amount that each of these achievements adds is listed below: +3 Cross-discipline Methodologies In addition, the Race Picks listed below can affect the quantity of test tubes produced by DEAs in regions populated by that race: Research (per Research DEA) +3 Good 0 Average –3 Poor Natural Researchers Ruthless Efficiency (Etherean species) Adding the above gives you the total efficiency value of test tubes produced at a single Research DEA. That value is then multiplied by several factors beginning with the Infrastructure Level of the region where that Research DEA is located (see "Economic Infrastructure"). If the planet’s Association Level is ‘Annex,’ the owning civilization’s current Occupation Policy is multiplied into the equation thus: Occupation Research Efficiency Harsh 0.80 Tolerant 1.00 Fair 1.00 Lenient 1.00 Designer's Note: We've gone back and retrofitted this Occupation Policy stuff backward into the Bioharvest, Mining and Manufacturing DEAs, where mean policies get you extra of that stuff. The next multiplier reflects the morale of the region where that DEA is located as follows: Regional Efficiency Unrest Level 1 0.75 Unrest Level 2 0.50 Unrest Level 3 0.25 Revolt 0.00 Uncontrolled 0.00 The planet’s gravity is then considered. By cross-indexing the race of the population group in the region where the Mineral DEA is located with that race’s preferred gravity, we see the multiplier on the table below (This is the same Gravity table in the other DEA data dumps, people.) Next, Leader Skills are computed. Any Leader with the Research Skill that has influence over that planet will have a positive effect on the research efficiency there. If any of these Leaders affect that planet, the multiplier is: 1.8 That planet’s Viceroy That value for each Leader is then multiplied into the efficiency value. Government Type is the next influence on the research efficiency list. Look up the government type multiplier on the following list and multiply that value into the research efficiency equation: Government Research Efficiency Kin-Based 1.00 Group-Based 1.05 Despotism 1.05 Monarchy 0.90 Oligarchy 1.10 Constitutional Monarchy 1.05 Corporate 0.95 Democracy 0.95 Parliamentary 0.95 Republicanism 0.95 Hive 1.05 Unification 0.95 Next is any reduction in efficiency from pollution. See "Accumulated Pollution Problems" for the details, but the result will always be a multiplier of 1.00 or less. Then planetary and regional specials are figured into the mix. Each one is multiplied into the research efficiency separately where they exist. Such specials might include: Special Multiplier ValueHostile Non-Sentient Life Form, Microscopic 0.45 Hostile Non-Sentient Life Form, Insects 0.90 Hostile Non-Sentient Life Form, Flora 0.85 Hostile Non-Sentient Life Form, Minerals 0.80 Hostile Gases 0.90 Rare Animals 1.35 Rare Gems 1.05 Rare Metals 1.20 Rare Fuels 1.30 Rare Radioactives 1.15 Rare Petrochemicals 1.10 Rare Plants 1.40 Stratosphere Ring 1.50 Pharmacopoeia 1.45 Geomagnetic Fields 0.50 Determining a Research DEA’s Capacity The above value gives a Research DEA’s efficiency. This is then multiplied by its capacity to get the final number of test tubes produced by that Research DEA. The capacity of a DEA is measure of its size or extensiveness. This also determines the size of the workforce needed to operate that DEA at full capacity. Research Capacity = The Base Research Capacity starts at one. The above summarizes how to determine a Research DEA’s Capacity, what follows are the specifics: Add one (1) to the following list of buildings within that Research DEA to get a sum: +0.5 Advanced Research Labs Then add in the following race pick and government agenda to get a sum: Ingenuity (Humanoid species)+0.5 Scientific Knowledge (Government Agenda) For FLUs (Forced Labor Units), we will examine the Organic and then Robotic types separately. Note that there can never be more of each of these two types of FLUs working at a DEA than the sum of the above (i.e., Base Capacity + buildings). Organic FLUs increase a DEA’s capacity value by: Number of Organic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’s current Oppressometer of Forced Labor setting / 10). Robotic FLUs increase a DEA’s capacity value by:Number of Robotic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’s current Robotics tech level / 10) Determining a Research DEA’s Test Tube Output That sum (the capacity value of that DEA) is then multiplied by the efficiency value (determined above) to get the final test tube output value for that Research DEA. Adding Population Points to the Research Total The test tubes produced by all the DEAs on a planet are added together, and to this sum is added the "bonus on top" for those races that have the Natural Extractors race pick. Simply examine each region on that planet and add to the planet’s total number of test tubes produced an amount equal to the following formula: Population Point Test Tube Production Test Tube output per population point = (1 + Race Picks + Government Agenda) * Occupation Policy [if Planet Association Level is ‘Annex’] * Morale Research Race Pick Government Additional Test Tube Occupation Test Tube Production Regional Production Turning Test Tubes into Research Points Similar to turning cement into production points, so too do we add money to turn test tubes into research points. It is these research points that are spent in all fundamental research and project applications. The number of test tubes produced on a planet represents the amount of AUs that can be converted into research points on a 1 for 1 basis. That is, where 1 AU is spent to purchase 1 research point (and that research point, in turn, is spent by the central government in its effort to discover, develop, and/or institutionalize ideas and devices). So, for example, if a planet created 78 test tubes this turn, anywhere from 1 to 78 AUs could be spent on that planet to obtain a like number of research points. A planet can generate more production points during a single turn than the amount of cement it produces. By spending AUs at a less efficient than 1:1 ratio for additional production points, building on that plant can be hastened. In other words, by using additional money to "water down the cement" and make it go further. For each multiple of amount of cement produced on that planet that turn, the number of AUs required to generate each additional production point increases as shown on the table below: Up to this multiple of the amount of test tubes produced on that planet this turn: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 1 2 3 6 12 24 One Test Tube Achievement 1 1.5 3 4 8 16 Two Test Tube Achievements 1 1.5 2.5 3.5 5 10 Three Test Tube Achievements 1 1.5 2 3 4.5 6 All four Test Tube Achievements [one is Antaran tech?] # = AUs per research point Test Tube Achievements are: Database Standardization Experiment Replicators Ancient Orion Techniques [Antaran] Continuing with the above example, if a planet purchased 79th research point that turn, it would cost 2 AUs, for a total expense of 81 AUs (1 AU each for the first 78 research points, plus 2 AUs for the 79th). If it wanted to purchase 212 research points that turn, the costs would be: 78 AUs (for the first 78 research points) + 156 AUs (for the second 78 research points) + 168 AUs (for the remaining 56 research points). This makes 212 research points for a total cost of 402 AUs. So, you can overdrive a planet’s research point output, but it’s going to cost you if you go too far too fast. Note that a planet cannot convert more than six times its test tube output that turn into research points. | ||||||||||||
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