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RELIGION [continued]Religion Targeting the Population Segment to be ProselytizedTargeting the exact population segment to be proselytized always selects from only those targets that offer the highest net Proselytize "Attack Value." Where the proselytizers look to find a target population segment is shown on the table, below. (One is chosen at random from all those available in the highest priority target site.)
# = Target Location Priority (1 = highest) The Proselytization "Attack" Proselytizing uses the following combat formula:
If the sum of the Proselytize Value and the result of the d10 roll is less than the Conviction Strength of the target population segment, there is no effect. If it equals the Conviction Strength of the target population segment, that population segment has its Conviction Strength reduced by 1 point (making it more vulnerable to future proselytizing). If it exceeds the Conviction Strength of the defending population segment, that population segment has its Conviction Strength reduced by 1 and another Proselytizing Attack is immediately conducted. For all of these subsequent Proselytizing Attacks, another d10 is rolled and compared to the difference between the sum of the Proselytize Value and the result of the previous d10 roll and the defending population segment's Conviction strength. If the result of this addition d10 roll is greater than that difference, there is no effect. If it equals that difference, the defending population segment has been "critically hit" and has both its Proselytize and Conviction Strengths reduced by 1 point. If it less than the difference, the defending population segment is "critically hit" and another Proselytizing Attack is immediately conducted against the difference between the die roll and the previous difference. This is repeated as often as those d10 die rolls keep coming in under the current difference.
NEXT IN RELIGION: "Conversion through Proselytization" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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