Creating a Civilization’s Race

There are three types of attributes that define a species and race. They are Standard, Special, and Unique. The Standard Attributes are general things that affect every race and species (broken down into subcategories such as Economic, Military, Political and so forth) and can be selected in "degrees" ranging from Superior to Good, to Average, to Inferior. Special Attributes might be more restrictive and are either "on" or "off" (there are no "degrees" of a Special Attribute). Unique Attributes are ones assigned to a particular species only and cannot be selected (or deselected) when customizing a race.

Designer’s Note: When customizing a race via "picks," some non-unique attribute selections may be prohibited for certain species. This is intentionally designed into the system to quantify certain natural limitations of each species.

Choosing a Race or Species

Players my select from an existing (pre-made) race or select species and create a custom race based on that species. Either selection will take them to the Picks Screen where they may spend their available Pick Points (PPs) to enhance their races’ ability (or degrade their race’s abilities in exchange for a Victory Point multiplier).

Race Pick Categories and Selection Options

Race Picks fall into one of the categories below with the selections options for each as listed:



Superior: +2 base output per Bioharvest DEA; +20% of price earned for selling surplus; +20% of the price for selling rare goods.

Good: +1 base output per Bioharvest DEA; +10% of price earned for selling surplus; +10% of the price for selling rare goods.

Average: Normal bioharvesting output; standard prices for exports and bio specials.

Poor: - 1 base output per Bioharvest DEA; - 10% of price earned for selling surplus; - 10% of the price for selling rare goods.


Superior: +2 base output per Mining DEA; +20% of price earned for selling surplus; +20% of the price for selling rare goods.

Good: +1 base output per Mining DEA; +10% of price earned for selling surplus; +10% of the price for selling rare goods.

Average: Normal mining output; standard prices for exports and mineral specials.

Poor: - 1 base output per Bioharvest DEA; - 10% of price earned for selling surplus; - 10% of the price for selling rare goods.


Superior: +1 output capacity per Manufacturing DEA; +20% to the quality of goods produces (craftsmanship); +2 to the cement output per Population Point.

Good: +0.5 output capacity per Manufacturing DEA; +10% to the quality of goods produces (craftsmanship); +1 to the cement output per Population Point.

Average: Normal manufacturing output; standard value for finished goods.

Poor: - 0.5 output capacity per Manufacturing DEA; - 10% to the quality of goods produces (craftsmanship); - 1 to the cement output per Population Point.


Superior: +6 test tubes added to the base output per Research DEA; +1 test tube per Population Point.

Good: +3 test tubes added to the base output per Research DEA; + 0.5 test tubes per Population Point.

Average: Normal research.

Poor: - 3 test tubes added to the base output per Research DEA; - 0.5 test tubes per Population Point.

Natural Engineers: No prototyping cost penalty; +1 Manufacturing Output.


Superior: Trades along Space Lane level 0 routes as if they were level 1; level 1 routes as if they were level 2, level 2 routes as if there were level 3, and level 3 routes as if they were level 4; +10% income bonus from Space Ports; significantly improves chances of establishing inter-civilization Economic Trade Treaties and Exchanges.

Good: Normal Trade Route functions; +5% income bonus from Space Ports; improves chances of establishing inter-civilization Economic Trade Treaties and Exchanges.

Average: Normal Trade Route functions, revenues from Space Ports, and inter-civilization Economic Trade Treaties and Exchanges.

Poor: Normal Trade Route functions; -5% income penalty from Space Ports; reduces chances of establishing inter-civilization Economic Trade Treaties and Exchanges.

Fantastic Traders: +20% bonus from inter-civilization Trade Treaties; +33% bonus to the value of surplus bioharvest and mining output; Improves chances of establishing Trade Treaties and Exchanges.


Superior: 30% reduction in economic pollution output; terraforming costs reduced by 20%

Good: 15% reduction in economic pollution output; terraforming costs reduced by 10%

Average: Normal economic pollution output and terraforming costs.

Poor: 20% increase in economic pollution output; terraforming costs increased by 10%

Tolerant: 50% reduction in maintenance costs in hostile (red and yellow) environments; +15% bonus to maximum population per region inhabited; halves all economic pollution output.


Investors: When paying interest, the rate is lowered by 2%; when receiving interest, the rate is raised by 5%. Reduce the global cost increase from the Heavy Foot of Government by 25%.

Monetarists: When paying interest, the rate is lowered by 1%; when receiving interest, the rate is raised by 2%. Reduce the global cost increase from the Heavy Foot of Government by 10%.

Specie: No interest rate adjustments; no effect on Heavy Foot of Government costs.

Barter: When paying interest, the rate is increased by 1%; when receiving interest, the rate is lowered by 1%. Increase the global cost increase from the Heavy Foot of Government by 5%.



Superior: Space: MaxAccry *= 1.2, Ground: Accuracy +25

Good: Space: MaxAccry *= 1.1, Ground: Accuracy +15

Average: Space: MaxAccry *= 1.0, Ground: Accuracy +5

Poor: Space: MaxAccry *= 0.9, Ground: Accuracy +0


Superior: Experience Gained is 200% of normal for Ship Crews/Ground Forces. Experience loss is 50% of normal.

Good: Experience Gained is 133% of normal for Ship Crews/Ground Forces. Experience loss is 85% of normal.

Average: Normal experience gain/loss rate and combat unit experience levels.

Poor: Experience Gained is 85% of normal for Ship Crews/Ground Forces. Experience loss is 133% of normal.


Superior: Space: Base Defense of a given hull size is 30% higher than normal. Ground: Evade +25. Re-fire rates for all Space weapons is reduced by 20%.

Good: Space: Base Defense of a given hull size is 15% higher than normal. Ground: Evade +15. Re-fire rates for all Space weapons is reduced by 10%.

Average: Space: Base Defense of a given hull size is normal. Ground: Evade +5. Re-fire rates are normal.

Poor: Space: Base Defense of a given hull size is 20% lower than normal. Ground: Evade +0. Re-fire rates for all Space weapons are increased by 10%.


Superior: Space: Individual Systems on a ship have 30% more damage Capacity before being disabled. Note: they are still destroyed at the same point. Ships require 30% more damage to be considered 'Stunned'. Ground: Units have +3 Hits and +20 Armor.

Good: Space: Individual Systems on a ship have 15% more damage Capacity before being disabled. Note: they are still destroyed at the same point. Ships require 15% more damage to be considered 'Stunned'. Ground: Units have +2 Hits and +10 Armor.

Average: Space: Individual Systems on a ship have normal Damage Capacity before being disabled. Ships at Stunned at the normal rate. Ground: Units have +1 Hits and +5 Armor.

Poor: Space: Individual Systems on a ship have 20% less damage Capacity before being disabled. Note: they are still destroyed at the same point. Ships require 15% Less damage to be considered 'Stunned'. Ground: Units have +0 Hits and +0 Armor.

Military Traditions: All Leaders in the Military sector receive an artificial +1 ability bonus. All delay die rolls for processing through the Reserves are lowered by 1. Ship Maintenance costs are lowered by 5%.



Superior: Significantly improves chances for success of Treaty and Orion Senate proposals.

Good: Improves chances for success of Treaty and Orion Senate proposals.

Average: No modification to Treaty and Orion Senate proposals.

Poor: Reduces chances for success of Treaty and Orion Senate proposals.

Empathic: +15% bonus (i.e., +15 on d100 rolls) for all your Diplomacy die rolls for just about everything you do diplomatically (inter-civilization, Orion Senate, and even Domestic Politics).



Collectivist: Collectivist series governments demand that one’s primary loyalty be to society as a whole.

Absolutist: Absolutist governments demand that one’s primary loyalty be to the State. Absolutist governments give their Leaders a relatively free hand to guide their governments as they see fit.

Representative: The overarching purpose of Representative governments is to promote the good of individual citizens.

Transitional: Transitional series regimes are hybrids that combine characteristics from several different government types. For this reason, they often appear as the result of revolutions, where populations who have grown dissatisfied with their old regime attempt to improve it by grafting on features from other government types they admire.

Tribalistic: Tribal systems of government demand that one’s primary loyalty be to one’s tribe. Thing will tend to be decentralized and occasionally chaotic when a leader cannot be found.

Unique: Each unique government is unrelated to the others. This creates a certain "institutional paranoia" affecting espionage (positively) and diplomacy (negatively) in particular.


Survival of the Civilization: This is the "no agenda" agenda. It merely concerns itself with the survival of that civilization as its prime concern. Effects: Pushes new colonization; some emphasis on defensive military building; increases draft pool, seeks Peace and Non-Aggression Pacts, lowers Global Social State, increases the Heavy Foot of Government, and does not seek to enhance the rights of citizens. +1 Imperial Focus per turn.

Military Strength: This civilization is focusing on its military power. Effects: increased spending in the military sector, emphasis on military R&D, seeks military alliances, increases draft pool, lowers Global Social State, seeks to reduce the rights of citizens, improves military morale.

Expansionism: This civilization is focusing on external expansion. Effects: if the "frontiers are open," more purchases of Colony and Outpost ships, slight increase spending in the military sector, more govt. incentives to get population moving to the "out worlds." If the "frontiers are closed," greater emphasis on emphasis on military spending and R&D, seeks military alliances, increases draft pool, and wars of foreign conquest. Regardless of frontier status, acquisition of territory by any means (even diplomatic) is the key, as is getting legitimate "claim" to them.

Scientific Knowledge: Subscribing to the adage that knowledge is power, this civilization is throwing in its lot with Academia at the expense of the common man. Effects: increased spending in the R&D sector, seeks research agreements and the acquisition of other’s technologies, explores for the Fifth ‘X,’ depresses colonization, increases unrest, lowered draft pool, and does not seek to enhance the rights of citizens.

The Pursuit of Wealth: Lessez-faire capitalism combined with State pursuit of wealth. Effects: emphasizes spending on infrastructure and wealth building, seeks Trade Agreements, suppression of piracy, reduces draft pool, dampens military and scientific sector spending, increases civilian transports and commuter travel, lowers Global Social State (moral decay), will pursue increasing the rights of citizens, lowers military morale, pushes colonization, increases Societal Corruption.

Individual Self-fulfillment: Embraces the importance of individual worth, fulfillment, and expression. Effects: Increases Global Social State, improves military morale, pursues rights of citizens, dampens scientific and military spending, dampens colonization, lowers Societal Corruption, seeks Representative Series Governments and resists Absolutist, Theocratic, and Collectivist Series Governments, won’t start or join war except vs. those committing genocide.

The "Common Good:" This government’s agenda is generally develop the society at large with no particular emphasis. Effects: seeks to improve internally (infrastructure and environmental spending is emphasized over military spending), shuns all wars / confrontations.

Striving for Utopia: This pursuit of a "social paradise" where government is less obtrusive and less desired. Effects: bonus to production of farms, mines and industry, reduction in research and the dampening of all leader ability ratings and military morale. -1 Imperial Focus Point per turn.

Be Green: This government seeks harmony with nature and coexistence between its civilization and galaxy around it. Effects: bonus to farming and pop growth, reduction to mining; negates sentient planet penalty, unrest caused when NBC weapons are used, dampens desire for terraforming, tries to avoid war (and collateral damage).

Starting Member of Orion Senate?

Either "yes" or "no" will be selected at random for the "default." Changing it between those two will cost a single PP.

Yes: Will start nearer center of the map/Orion. [This option is not available to Harvesters and defaults to "No" if Nomadic Entry is chosen.]

No: Will start away from the center of the map/Orion.

Social / Ethics


Loyalty: -15 Unrest factors; all Citizen Service indenture penalties for Fabric of Civilization reduced by two (cannot be adjusted to higher than zero). Citizen Service indenture effects are treated as one level longer.

Duty: -7 Unrest factors; all Citizen Service indenture penalties for Fabric of Civilization reduced by one (cannot be adjusted higher than zero). Citizen Service indenture effects are otherwise unmodified.

Association: No unrest check adjustments; no modification to Citizen Service indenture penalties to Fabric of Civilization.

Liberty: +5 Unrest factors; all Citizen Service indenture bonuses for Fabric of Civilization reduced by one (cannot be adjusted to lower than zero). Citizen Service indenture effects are treated as one level shorter.

Home World Ethos


Single Benevolent: A single ethos with generally beneficial Ideals

Single Random [default]: A single random ethos will be generated for this civilization.

Multiple Random:

Single Unique:

State Ethos?
One of these two will be selected at random for the "default." Changing it will cost a PP.



Population Characteristics

Cunning [Espionage]

Dangerous: +2 cloak/cover rating; +1 clearance/dagger and +10 luck ratings

Quick: +1 clearance/dagger and cloak/cover

Sharp: +1 cloak/cover rating

Slow: -1 clearance/dagger rating

Creativity [Technology]

Original: -10 on Project Overrun check, -10 on Discovering Overrun check, +10 on Overrun Positive Effects check.

Adaptive: -5 on Project Overrun check, -5 on Discovering Overrun check, +5 on Overrun Positive Effects check.

Normal: Normal research.

Imitative: +5 on Project Overrun check, +5 on Discovering Overrun check, -5 on Overrun Positive Effects check.

Fatalism [Imperial Focus Points]

Pervasive: A random +1 or +2 Imperial Focus Points per turn.

Strong: A random 0 or +1 Imperial Focus Point per turn.

Natural: No modifications.

Resisted: A random 0 or –1 Imperial Focus Point per turn.

Spirituality [Ethos]

Devout: Abhors "None" Ethos, tends toward a State Religion, Wars tend toward Holy Wars, +1 Proselytization and +2 Conviction strengths.

Strong: Eschews "None" Ethos, +1 Conviction strength if not "None" Ethos.

Accepted: No modifications.

Resisted: Tends toward "None" Ethos, +1 Conviction strength if "None" Ethos.

Social Tolerance

Embracing: +25 to all Base Relations with other civilizations. Dislike for slavery. No penalties for multi-ethnic.

Accepting: +10 to all Base Relations with other civilizations. Reduced penalties for multi-ethnic.

Understanding: No modifications.

Intolerant: -15 to all Base Relations with other civilizations. More easily accepts/tolerates slavery. Increased penalties for multi-ethnic.

Nomadic Entry: Cheaper colony ships. "Gifted Traders" (+10% bonus from inter-civilization Trade Treaties; +15% bonus to the value of surplus bioharvest and mining output.) Pop Push-Pull more active/ carrots and sticks more effective.

Natural Navigators: All ships receive a 15% movement bonus; -1 Delay die roll modifier for forces redeploying to Reserve.

Lucky: Vis-à-vis Events.

Antaran Background [formerly Omniscient]: Begins with a complete map and sees all phenomena changes (moving space monsters, shifting wormholes, etc.)

Customization Limitations

No custom race begins with a wholly blank slate. A species or pre-made race must be selected as the point of departure for race customization. Whatever species or race is selected, it will come with its own unique attributes and a varying amount of PPs to spend and its own set of PP prices for various picks. These are detailed below.

The Species Unique List

Lithovore [Geodic species]: Food based on mineral richness of world and consumption rate is very low; darn hard to kill in ground combat; improved mining efficiency; very slow population growth (-50%). These guys start with 3 Mining and 1 Bioharvesting DEA (as opposed to the other way around).

Cybernetic [Cybernetik species]: Consume 50% minerals 50% food; greater ship repair capabilities; improved manufacturing capacity (+0.5 per Manufacturing DEA). These guys start with 2 Mining (instead of 1) and 2 Bioharvesting DEAs (instead of 3).

Environmental Adaptability: [Saurian species]: Fast population growth rate; large terraforming circles.

Social Order [Insectoid species]: Nearly non-existent social disharmony (10 shifts to the left on the Unrest Table); less factional dissent internally.

Ruthless Efficiency [Etherean species]: Moderate increase in efficiency for all research and production; smaller terraforming circles though.

Ingenuity [Humanoid species]: General diplomacy advantage, general Research Point production bonus, least despised by the New Orions.

Heightened Awareness [Ichthytosian species]: 20% bonus to sensors, scanners, ground combat initiative, ECCM, max warning of impending events (takes an extra turn to get there).

"The Need" [Harvester species]: Much deleted by Rantz. Because of The Need, they’re hardwired to Spirituality: Resisted. More delteted by Rantz.

Fragile Bodies [Various species and races]: More susceptible to population casualties from collateral damage.

Tough Bodies [Various species and races]: Less susceptible to population casualties from collateral damage.

Racial Hardwiring

Certain species and races have additional pick limitations or other special rules (higher/lower pick costs in some areas) as described below:

Humanoid: Cannot select Poor Diplomacy.

Humans: Receives a slight PP bonus at start, Cheaper Diplomacy picks, cannot select Antaran Background. Leaders tend toward Charismatic, Diplomatic and Honorable.

Psilon: Cheaper Research and Creativity, Cheaper Empathic, Fragile Bodies, cannot select Superior Toughness. Leaders and Agenda tend toward Scientific/Knowledge.

Evon: Leaders tend toward Homogeneous Society Building and away from Diverse Society Building, cannot select Superior Diplomacy, or Original Creativity, Discounts on Home World Ethos, Citizenship, and Fatalism (IFPs)

Etherean: Cannot select Superior Mining, Bioharvesting, or Environmental; Fragile Bodies (cannot select Superior Toughness).

Imsaeis: Discounts on Diplomacy, Empathic, Cunning, Fatalism, and Lucky. Leaders tend to be Cagey and Diplomatic.

Eoladi: Leaders tend to be Pacifistic and Honorable. Government Agenda weighted toward Individual Fulfillment. Cheaper Citizenship, Aptitude, Economics, and Natural Navigators.

Geodic: Cannot select Superior Bioharvesting or Reflexes or Poor Mining; cheaper Toughness.

Silicoids: Cheaper Mining and Toughness picks. "Be Green" is not often their Agenda. RP bonus in the Macro-Sciences and RP penalty in all other Science Sectors. More expensive Creativity costs, but cheaper Citizenship. Tough Bodies.

Cybernetik: Cannot select Poor Manufacturing. Reduced cost for Natural Engineers; Tough Bodies.

Meklar: Bonus to Mathematics & Computer Science RPs, Cheaper Accuracy and Reflexes. Ship crews function at +1 experience level; ship Captains at +1 Ability level ("one with the machine"). Cannot select Superior Bioharvesting, Superior Trade, Fantastic Traders, Superior Diplomacy, or Economic: Investors.

Cynoid: Cheaper Economics, Manufacturing, Trade, and Fantastic Traders. Cannot select Poor Diplomacy, Empathic, or Lucky. Leaders tend to be Expansionist and Economist with Expansionism and Pursuit of Wealth as common government agendas.

Ichthytosian: Cannot select Slow Cunning or Superior Toughness.

Trilairan: Natural Navigators, cheaper Bioharvesting, Reflexes, and Fatalism. Leaders tend to be Driven, Pacifistic, Utopic, and Terraforming. Agenda leans toward Uptopia.

Nommo: Tough Bodies and Military Traditions; cheaper Aptitude, Toughness, Citizenship, and Spirituality. Cannot select Social Tolerance: Embracing. Leaders tend to be shellfish (get it? that’s a joke), Territorial, Ruthless, Expansionist, Self-Aggrandizement and Militarist. Government Policies tend to be Military Strength and Expansionism.

Harvesters: List deleted by Rantz. Will never have a Representative government or be a member of the Orion Senate, nor have or support an Heir.

Ithkul: Bonus to Biological Research Field. Discount on Aptitude, Military Traditions and Citizenship; higher costs for Economics, Empathic, and Creativity. Cannot select [list deleted by Rantz].

Insectoid: Cannot select Citizenship: Liberty or Individual Self-fulfillment Government Agenda.

Klackons: Natural Engineers, Tough Bodies. Discounts on Toughness, Environmental, Bioharvesting, Mining, and Manufacturing and Loyalty. More expensive Research, and Creativity. Leaders tend not to be Scientific nor the government agenda Knowledge.

Tachidi: Cheaper Manufacturing, Research, Aptitude, Toughness, Cunning, and Lucky. Leaders tend to be Scientific and the government agenda Knowledge.

Saurian: Cannot select Poor Bioharvesting or Environmental.

Sakkra: Military Traditions, Spirituality: Devout. Cheaper Accuracy, Aptitude, Reflexes, Toughness and Citizenship. Cannot select Superior Diplomacy or Empathic. Leaders and Agenda tend to be aggressive, ruthless, militaristic and expansionistic.

Raas: Fastest growth rate of all the Saurians. Reduced Research Points. Leaders will tend to be Pragmatic, Terraforming, and Champion of the Underdog.

Grendarl: Discounts on Mining and Citizenship; cannot select Poor Environmental, Reflexes, or Toughness or Economics: Investors; favors "Common Good" Government Agenda. Leaders will tend to be Driven, Honorable, Homogeneous Society Building, and Paranoid.

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