Due to popular demand, here's a little more information on the population growth (and death) rates and maximum sizes, courtesy of Tom Hughes' economic model efforts:

Population Growth

Population growth occurs automatically (working three decimal places to the right of the number shown on screen). Growth is calculated per population center [by defination, a region that has any population on it at all is a "population center"] and is based on several factors (environment, racial tendencies, growth enhancing/restricting events and technologies, etc.).

Population growth uses a combination of old and new. The basic growth formula depends upon the current population of the region, the race's base rate of growth in the region, and the maximum population of the region. It's a familiar combination to MOO1 fans; population growth occurs most quickly when the region is neither too empty nor too full. There are two formulas that control growth:

Current Growth Rate =

Maximum Population Growth Rate [determined by Fertility of that Region on a 1% to 5% scale]

* (Maximum Population [determined by: 1) size of planet; 2) Habitability Zone the planet is in; and 3) the Ecosystem Density] – the Current Population Size)

/ Maximum Population

Amount of Population Increase =

Current Growth Rate [see above]

/ (100 * Current Population)

Population Starvation

When there is not enough food to feed a region, it’s population could be either "hungry" or "starving." When half or more of the food requirements are met, the population is merely hungry and their growth rate is reduced proportionally to the level of food shortfall. Thus, with exactly half the needed food coming in, there is a 0% growth rate on that region.

When less than half the food required arrives, then the folks are starving. This gives that region a "death rate" to worry about instead of a "birth rate" because people are dying faster than they’re being born. The death rate proportionally increases with the shortfall of food up to five times what the opposite of the maximum growth rate for that region would be. That is, on a 1% to 5% scale, if people were growing at 1%, they’d starve at a five times 5% rate and vice-versa. The net effect is that the more people in a region, the faster they’ll die off. If there’s few people in a lush area, they’ll starve very slowly indeed.

Maximum Population Size of a Region

The main factor that determines how many Population Points maximum a region can hold is the size of the planet as shown below:

Number of       Regional Maximum         Planet Maximum

Regions          Population Limit             Population Limit

12                    10                              120

11                     9                                99

10                  8.5                                85

9                      8                                 72

8                    7.5                                60

7                     7                                  49

6                     6.5                               39

5                     6                                  30

4                     5.5                              22

3                      5                                15

2                     4.5                               9

1                     4                                  4

The Regional Maximum Population Limit is modified by the following:

The Habitability Zone that the planet resides in for the species of population in that region multiplies the above value as shown below:

Habitability        Regional Maximum

Zone                  Pop Limit Modifier

Paradise                 * 1.20

Sweet Spot             * 1.00

Inner Green Ring      * 0.85

Outer Green Ring     * 0.70

Inner Yellow Ring     * 0.55

Outer Yellow Ring    * 0.40

Both Red Rings 1 Population Point, maximum [Biosphere]

The Ecosystem Density of that region also multiplies the above Regional Maximum Population Limit as shown below:

Ecosystem          Regional Maximum

Density               Pop Limit Modifier

Very Dense                  * 1.20

Dense                          * 1.10

Average                        * 1.00

Sparse                         * 0.90

Very Sparse                 * 0.80

Finally, some technological advances will directly add 1 or 2 to the Regional Maximum Population Limit when built in that region.

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