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Manufacturing DEAsIn addition to each individual Manufacturing DEAs’ ‘efficiency’ and ‘capacity,’it also has a ‘consumption rate.’ This latter value determines the ratioof Mineral and Bioharvest units that go in to that civilization’s ManufacturingDEAs to the number of Cement units that come out of them.Here is the ‘big picture’ Manufacturing formula: Total Manufacturing DEA cement output* =
The Efficiency of a DEA is a measure of how much a worker can produceand is computed thus: Manufacturing Efficiency =
Efficiency Modifiers represent circumstantial modifiers affecting ManufacturingEfficiency, each of which is multiplied into the formula as show below: Efficiency Modifiers =
The above summarizes how to determine a Manufacturing DEA’s Efficiency,what follows are the specifics: The Base Manufacturing Efficiency is easy: Base Manufacturing Efficiency =
The Race Picks listed below is added to that Base ManufacturingValue: ManufacturingPick Manufacturing Ruthless Efficiency [Etherean species]: +6
The next multiplier reflects the morale of the region where thatDEA is located as follows: Regional Efficiency The planet’s gravity is then considered. By cross-indexing therace of the population group in the region where the Manufacturing DEAis located with that race’s preferred gravity, we see the multiplier onthe table below: Species Planetary GravityEconomic Output Modifier by Gravity Difference Preference Crushing High Medium Low Negligible Crushing 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 High 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.50 Medium 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 Low 0.50 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.75 Negligible 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 1.00 Next, Leader Skills are computed. Any Leader with the ManufacturingSkill that has influence over that planet will have a positive effecton the Manufacturing efficiency there. If any of these Leaders affect that planet, the multiplieris:1.8 That planet’s Viceroy
Government Type is the next influence on the Manufacturing efficiencylist. Look up the government type multiplier on the following list andmultiply that value into the Manufacturing efficiency equation: Government Manufacturing Efficiency
Government Mining Efficiency Next is any reduction in efficiency from pollution. See "AccumulatedPollution Problems" for the details, but the result will always bea multiplier of 1.00 or less. Then planetary and regional specials are figured into the mix.Each one is multiplied into the Manufacturing efficiency separately wherethey exist. Such specials might include: Special Multiplier Value
The above value gives a Manufacturing DEA’s efficiency whichis then multiplied by its capacity to generate cement units. Butit’s a bit more interesting with Manufacturing DEAs because the ManufacturingDEA is divided into two parts. That is, each Manufacturing DEA has onecapacityfor converting Mineral Units into Cement Units, and a separatecapacityfor converting Bioharvest Units into Cement Units. Each of these is distinct capacity values are multiplied by itsefficiencyvalue to get the final number of cement units that can be produced by thatManufacturing DEA depending upon getting sufficient quantities of Mineraland Bioharvest Units to convert them into cement units. Manufacturing Capacity for Mineral Units =
The Specifics The above summarizes how to determine a Manufacturing DEA’s Capacity,what follows are the specifics: It’s capacity is much easier to determine. Simply add one (1) to thefollowing list of Mineral Unit Manufacturing Capacity buildingswithin that Manufacturing DEA to get a sum: +0.5 Automated Factories
+0.5 Organic Factories
Microlite Construction:
Organic FLUs increase a DEA’s mineral unit manufacturing capacityvalue by: Number of Organic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’scurrent Oppressometer of Forced Labor setting / 10) * Mineral ManufacturingPercentage. Mineral Manufacturing Percentage =
Number of Organic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’scurrent Oppressometer of Forced Labor setting / 10) * Bioharvest ManufacturingPercentage. Bioharvest Manufacturing Percentage =
Number of Robotic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’scurrent Robotics tech level / 10) * Mineral Manufacturing Percentage.
Number of Organic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’scurrent Oppressometer of Forced Labor setting / 10) * Bioharvest ManufacturingPercentage.
Natural Engineers:
Cement generates two things, money and the size of the ‘funnel’ throughwhich money is poured to make production points (which are used to actuallybuild stuff). The Raw Materials to Cement Ratio Because two types of raw materials can go into a Manufacturing DEA (mineralsand bioharvest units) that will come out as cement, we keep a separateconsumption ratio for each. # of Conversion # of mineral units consumed Mineral unit conversion achievements include:Nanotech Composites Bioharvest unit conversion achievements include: Advanced Polymerization
Adding Population Point Production to the Cement Total The cement units produced by all the manufacturing DEAs on a planetare added together, and to this sum is added the "bonus on top" from thatplanet’s population. Simply examine each region on that planet and addto the planet’s total number of cement units produced by population pointswhich is equal to the following formula: Population Point Cement Production Manufacturing Race Pick
Each unit of cement produced creates a certain amount of taxable incomeon that planet based upon that civilization’s ‘craftsmanship’ and the raceof the region producing them. AUs from Cement Units =
Value of Craftsmanship = Base Craftsmanship Value = 10 Race Taxable Income per
Where one adds sand and water to cement to make concrete, in Masterof Orion III we add money to our ‘cement’ to make production points. Itis with production points that everything on a planet is purchased, frominfrastructure up to a shiny new space ship. Funnel Capacity The number of cement points produced on a planet represents the amountof AUs that can be converted into production points on a 1 for 1 basis.That is, where 1 AU is spent to purchase 1 production point (and that productionpoint, in turn, is spent to build things on that planet). So, for example, if a planet created 78 cementpoints this turn, anywhere from 1 to 78 AUs could be spent on that planetto obtain a like number of production points and those, in turn, wouldbe applied to all of that planet’s construction projects. Overdriving Production A planet can generate more production points during a single turn thanthe amount of cement it produces. By spending AUs at a less efficient than1:1 ratio for additional production points, building on that plant canbe hastened. In other words, by using additional money to "water down thecement" and make it go further. For each multiple of amount of cement producedon that planet that turn, the number of AUs required to generate each additionalproduction point increases as shown on the table below: Up to this multiple of the amount of cement producedon that planet this turn: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 Cement Achievements are:
So, you can overdrive a planet’s production point output, but it’s goingto cost you if you go too far too fast. Note that a planet cannot convertmore than six times its cement output that turn into production points. And a word of caution, a unit of pollution is generated for each AUspent in manufacturing, not for each cement unit produced! If youoverdrive a planet’s production point output, you could be generating alotof extra pollution on that world. | ||||||||||||
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