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Bioharvest DEAsWe begin by computing each individual Bioharvesting DEAs’ "efficiency."This is amount of bioharvest units it creates per unit of "capacity," whichone can think of as the size of the facilities for that DEA. In the caseof a Bioharvest DEA, its capacity also represents how vast its farms andherds are.Here is the ‘big picture’ bioharvesting formula: Total Bioharvest DEA output =
No "outdoor" bioharvesting takes place in a region in the outer Yellowor either Red Habitability Ring. Essentially, the population group livingthere must import all the food it eats. There are two Technology Achievements that ameliorate this situation.One, Bio-morphic Fungi, permits bioharvesting by one additional HabitabilityRing further out. The other, Mineral-morphic Fungi, permits bioharvestingtwo additional Habitability Rings further out. When a civilizationhas both of these, therefore, it can bioharvest all the way into the outerRed Habitability Ring (but don’t expect your Bioharvest DEAs to crank outa lot of good stuff from the Outer Red Zone). Designer’s note: The guys in the "Red Zone" stilllive in biospheres, but at least they can grow their own food with theseachievements. In addition, Hydroponic Farms and SubterraneanFarms are fully functional in biospheres. They add +½ and +1 unitof bioharvest unit each turn, respectively, even when placed in a regionthat is built in a biosphere. Determining a Bioharvest DEA’s Efficiency The Efficiency of a DEA is a measure of how much a worker can produceand is computed thus: Bioharvest Efficiency =
Efficiency Modifiers represent circumstantial modifiers affecting BioharvestEfficiency, each of which is multiplied into the formula as show below: Efficiency Modifiers =
The above summarizes how to determine a Bioharvest DEA’s Efficiency,what follows are the specifics: The base number of bioharvest units produced by a Bioharvest DEA ona region is determined by species type, then cross-indexing theregional fertility with the dominant terrain type of thatregion as show in the three tables below: Geodic Species Table Regional Dominant Cybernetik Species Table Regional Dominant All Other Species Table Regional Dominant
+1 Automated Bio-care
+1 Orbital Bio-monitoring
+1 Bio-morphic Fungi [also allows bioharvesting 1 HabitabilityRing further out]
Bioharvesting (per Bioharvest DEA) +2 Superior
Adding the above gives you the total efficiency value of bioharvestunits produced at a single Bioharvest DEA. That value is then multipliedby several factors beginning with the Infrastructure Level of theregion where that Bioharvest DEA is located as follows: Infrastructure Efficiency
The next multiplier reflects the morale of the region where thatDEA is located as follows: Regional Efficiency
The planet’s gravity is then considered. By cross-indexing therace of the population group in the region where the Bioharvest DEA islocated with that race’s preferred gravity, we see the multiplier on thetable below: Economic Output Modifier by Gravity Difference
Sadly, the race working this DEA prefers a lowgravity while the planet’s gravity is high. That gives us a new efficiencyof 17.33 * 0.50 = 8.67. Next, Leader Skills are computed. Any Leader with the BioharvestingSkill that has influence over that planet will have a positive effecton the mining efficiency there. If any of these Leaders affect that planet, the multiplieris:1.8 That planet’s Viceroy
Both this planet’s System Administrator and thatcivilization’s Territorial Administrator have the Bioharvesting Skill.This will produce two multipliers of 1.4 and 1.1, respectively. So, theefficiency would then become: 8.67 * 1.4 * 1.1 = 13.35 Government Type is the next influence on the bioharvesting efficiencylist. Look up the government type multiplier on the following list andmultiply that value into the bioharvest efficiency equation: Government Bioharvesting Efficiency
Government Agenda is the next influence on the bioharvest efficiencylist. Look up the government agenda multiplier on the following list andmultiply that value into the mining efficiency equation: Government Mining Efficiency
Then planetary and regional specials that affect Efficiency arethen figured into the mix. Each one is multiplied into the mining efficiencyseparately where they exist. Such specials might include: Special Multiplier Value
So, at this point in the equation, we only considerthe Efficiency multiplier for the Electrical Activity. Thus, 0.9 * 17.36= 15.62. Determining a Bioharvest DEA’s Capacity The above value gives a Bioharvest DEA’s efficiency. This is then multipliedby its capacity to get the final number of bioharvest units produced bythat Bioharvest DEA. The capacity of a DEA is measure of its size or extensiveness. Thisalso determines the size of the workforce needed to operate that DEA atfull capacity. Bioharvest Capacity =
The Specifics The above summarizes how to determine a Bioharvest DEA’s Capacity, whatfollows are the specifics: It’s capacity is much easier to determine. Simply add one (1) to thefollowing list of buildings within that Bioharvest DEA to get asum: +0.5 Soil Enrichment
Special Additional Capacity
Organic FLUs increase a DEA’s capacity value by: Number of Organic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’s currentOppressometer of Forced Labor setting / 10). Pressing on with our example, the capacity ofthis Bioharvest DEA (1) is enhanced by Soil Enrichment (+0.5), Soil Rejuvenators(+1.5), and the planet special of a Thriving Ecosystem (+0.25). Thus, thecapacity value is 1.0 + 0.5 + 1.5 + 0.25 = 3.25. As it happens, that DEAalso has three (the maximum) Organic FLUs working there. That civilization’sOppressometer of Forced Labor is set to Level 7 (Distrustful). So, theboost granted to that DEA by those slave units is: 3 x (7 / 10) = 3 x .7= 2.1. So, by adding the capacity values of 3.25 and 2.1, that DEA wouldhave a capacity value of 5.35. Robotic FLUs increase a DEA’s capacity value by: Number of Robotic FLUs assigned to that DEA * (that civilization’s currentRobotics tech level / 10) Now, by their very nature, Organic and Robot FLUsseldom work at the same DEAs, but it could happen. For the sake of thisexample, let’s say that there is also one Robotic FLU working at this DEA.It’s current Robotics tech level is 13, so the capacity increase for thatRobotic FLU is: 1 * (13 / 10) = 1 * 1.3 = 1.3. So, this DEA has a capacityof 5.6 with Organic FLUs figured in. When we add in the Robotic FLU, weget 5.35 + 1.3 = a capacity value of 6.65. Determining a Bioharvest DEA’s Bioharvest Unit Output That sum (the capacity value of that DEA) is then multiplied by theefficiency value (determined above) to get the final bioharvest unit outputvalue for that Bioharvest DEA. We multiply the capacity (6.65) by the efficiency (15.62) to get a resultof 103.87, which is then rounded off to 104. Thus, the number of bioharvestunits produced this turn by the Bioharvest DEA in our example is 104. Whew! Adding the "Enclosed Farm" Buildings to the Bioharvest Total The bioharvest units produced by all the DEAs on a planet are addedtogether, and to this sum is added the first "bonus on top" from each"Enclosed Farm" building on the planet’s regions. The number of bioharvestunits added to the planetary total for each of these special regional buildings(i.e., a maximum of one each of these per region can be built on a planet)is listed below: Sum of region’s Enclosed Farms * Region’s Morale +1/2 Hydroponic Farms
Regional Production
The bioharvest units produced by all the DEAs on a planet are addedtogether, and to this sum is added the second "bonus on top" for thoseraces that have the Natural Gardeners race pick. Simply examine each regionon that planet and add to the planet’s total number of bioharvest unitsproduced an amount equal to the following formula: Population Point Bioharvesting Production Bioharvest unit output per population point = (0 + Race Pick+ Government Agenda) * Morale (see below) Race Additional Bioharvest
When a Bioharvest DEA or the Natural Gardeners of a planet’s populationcreate bioharvest units, they are sold as food (and sometimes raw materials)to meet the producing civilization’s basic bioharvest needs. This generatestaxable income for the planet that produced those bioharvest units at thefollowing rate: Bioharvest units consumed * Consumption Usage Value [see below] Bioharvest Consumption Usage Value = 2.5 if that mineral was not consumed (i.e., it’s being soldas surplus)
The taxable income generated on the planet wherethe Natural Gardeners created those 9 bioharvest units, therefore, is (7* 10) + (2 * 5) = 70 + 10 = 80 AUs. AUs from Surplus Bioharvest units Surplus bioharvest units produced are not wasted. If a planet has producedany unconsumed bioharvest units, they disappear into the consumer economybut do generate some additional taxable income for that planet. How much?See the formula below: Bioharvest units not consumed * Consumption Usage Value [seeabove] * Supply & Demand [see below]
AUs from Rare Biologicals Regardless of production, consumption, or surplus, wherever bioharvestunits are created a certain amount of "rare bio-goods" are also generatedas a byproduct. This represents the "cash crop" of farming and livestockdealing – in particular dealing in rare or controlled substances. Theserare bio-goods are a completely separate taxable income source generatedby their direct sales as luxury items (as opposed to a bioharvest unit’suse as mere food or an industrial raw material). So, what kind of taxable AUs to these rare bioharvest byproducts generatefor their planet? See the formula below: Bioharvest units produced per Bioharvest DEA or from othermeans (Natural Farmers, etc.) * ((Ecosystem Level [1 to 8] * BiodiversityLevel [1 to 8]) + Specials) * Bioharvesting Race Pick [see below] * 0.2[the "tuning variable"]
Bioharvesting Rare Bioharvest Harkening back to our original example on mineralproduction, say that a total of 104 bioharvest units are produced at aDEA by a race with the Bioharvest: Good Race Pick on a Biodiversity: Heterogeneousplanet in a region with a Dense Ecosystem. The taxable income from therare mineral byproducts would be 104 * ((5 * 3) + 0) * 1.15 * 0.2 = 358.8AUs. Who Eats How Much of What? Most species in the game consume one bioharvest unit per populationpoint per turn to be ‘fed’ and avoid bring ‘hungry’ or worse, ‘starving’(see "Starvation") But all species are not created equally. Below are theactual consumption rates: What their Population Points There you have it, folks. All you need to know about Moo3 Bioharvest. | ||||||||||||
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