A Quick Rundown:

Site Started: Late May, 2001
Hosted By: l3o.com. (makers of Horizon)
Previous Web Hosts: 4.
Graphical Site Design Generations: We're on our 4th design now.
Biggest Incoming Links: moo3.com, ina-community (the Infogrames board), Google.

Special Thanks

We would like to offer a big thanks to l3o for bailing us out when it looked like we were going to have to pull the plug on the site. They have a new TBS under development called Horizon, which looks to be quite interesting.

We would also like to thank DarkSky for cutting us a good deal for our previous web hosting (the owner is a big MOO fan :-). This is our nice plug for them of course: If you are looking for webhosting on any level, look them up and get your own website up and running for as little as $5 per month or less. You'll get a good price, fast connections, and great service and tech support to go with.

We also want to thank everyone who has contributed to this site in content or in cash.

Thank you for making The Orion Sector the best Master of Orion III site online!

For site history, please follow this link.

Who Runs This Place?

The Orion Sector is run by an ever-changing band of TBS zealots and MOO3 die-hards. The original founder has now retired, and RobertHuntingdon has taken over managing the site. There are about 2-4 people running the place in some manner at any given time, not including those who moderate our forums. Bard of Prey and Wraith are also contributing developers and moderators.

Can I Help?

Yes. If you have any idea for a good, new TBS we can cover, please let us know by posting on the forums. If you have anything to contribute to the existing featured games sections, you can let the administration know through a PM to Wraith or Bard, or by using the CONTACT page above. And if you want to volunteer to help us add a new featured game, please PM RobertHuntingdon on the forum.

What The Future Holds

Right now, nobody knows for sure. Obviously we want to keep as much of our historical content on MOO3 up as long as we can -- if we take it down, it's pretty much gone for good because nobody else has it. We've removed a few things that were simply pointless to keep -- nobody was using the MOO3 Mutliplayer system, for example -- and we've added several new featured games: Horizon, Space Empires Series, and GalCiv as well. We hope to add yet more games as the opportunity becomes available, and expand our sections on the newer games -- hopefully including full reviews -- as more information about them becomes available.

Concept art, screen shots, game graphics, information and other assets are provided courtesy of the games' respective developers. No company has reviewed or approved any content on this site except where noted.

The Orion Sector is graciously hosted by l3o.com.