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Welcome to the Orion Sector. If you are a fan of Turn-Based Strategy games, you've come to the right place. Our mission is to promote and support the developers and fans of TBS games -- one of the best genres of computer games ever -- that long has seemed forgotten by many.


Developers Alliance

The TBS Developers Alliance features a collection of news from various professional and home-grown sci-fi TBS games. See the Developers Alliance Membership section for more info.


Horizon is a new turn-based space-empire-building strategy game, coming soon from l3o. Please visit our internal Horizon section, the official homepage (link above), and the Horizon Forums.

Space Empires

The Orion Sector is now covering the Space Empires series including Space Empires 5, which has begun closed beta testing. To discuss SE5, or any other games in the Space Empires universe, be sure to visit our forum.


Galactic Civilizations 2 has been released! Want to know what if it's worth the purchase? Check out the Orion Sector Review of GC2.
For questions, comments and more information, our local GalCiv forum is always open.


Master of Orion 3 may be gasping for air but it's not quite dead yet. The small glimmer of remaining hope here is the unnoficial MOO3 patch system by Bhruic, who nearly single-handedly wiped out many of the most egregious bugs and opened vast new areas for improvement mods.

Your Game?

Want your game featured here? Contact the Orion Sector staff and we'll discuss it.

[159] 12.14.2006
OS Review of Space Empires V

The Orion Sector staff has completed our review of Space Empires V, taking into account the latest patches as well. You can read our review here or comment on it in the appropriate forum thread.


[158] 11.21.2006
Space Empires V patch to 1.17 released

The new 1.17 SE-V patch has been released. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but the changelog shows some major improvements, so I'm looking forward to checking it out.


[157] 11.07.2006
Space Empires Updated

Space Empires V has been updated to version 1.13. You can get the latest patch here.

[156] 11.02.2006
Space Empires V review

Wraith and I have been working on our review for Space Empires V. We hope to have it ready for release very soon.


[155] 10.25.2006
Space Empires V Released

Space Empires V, the latest entry in Malfador Machination's turn based strategy series has been released. It should be currently available in stores everywhere, or for download from Valve's Steam game distribution software.

[154] 10.05.2006
We're back (sort of)

Well after taking a very long hiatus and then having some server errors that kept the news program down, we're finally back in business here at the Orion Sector. Sort of, that is. We're a bit short on major news at the moment, aside from the obvious that Space Empires V releases in under two weeks and we plan to review that as soon as we can.

A few games are under development that we plan to cover. There is a possibility something might happen soon on the Horizon front. Slitherine has begun work on Commander -- Europe at War, which apparently is slated for a late 2006 release.

We're still taking tips for any other games you feel we should cover. While we prefer a space-based TBS we will look at other TBS games as well.

I haven't yet created the Spartan section in the forums, that slipped my mind during my hiatus. I'll probably create a Slitherine section instead since Spartan and Troy are a bit out of date games now, but hopefully C-EaW will help make that section useful.


News Archive
Looking for older news posts? Browse our News Archive.

Concept art, screen shots, game graphics, information and other assets are provided courtesy of the games' respective developers. No company has reviewed or approved any content on this site except where noted.

The Orion Sector is graciously hosted by l3o.com.